Our purpose and mission…

​is for the winning of souls and the maintaining of the same in the Kingdom of God that is with man as we await our entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. With this mind, we are to build spiritually, physically, and structurally.​


Establishing international ministries, and providing Christian Education by instituting church schools within each church (day cares, kindergartens, grade schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, and yes, universities). Also, incorporating crisis counseling centers, homes for the aging saints, the abused, the troubled youth, homes for unwed mothers. In addition, providing food, shelter and transitional homes for people adjusting from a worldly lifestyle to a Christian lifestyle. Finally, counseling and encouraging a continual walk of faith through foundational studies, revivals, fasting, prayer, shut-ins, Bible teachings, training, and workshops.


Training our people to care for their bodies as well as their spirit. For our health is important knowing that “we have this treasure in earthen vessels” (II Corinthians 4:7). Additionally, providing recreational facilities, camps, and retreat centers for children and adults.


In the lives of our people, establishing and maintaining church doctrine, spiritual authority, church history, and church order. Therefore, enriching the quality of life for our people here on earth and preparing them for life in our eternal home. We are “writing the vision and making it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it” (Habakkuk 2:2). Working together, we shall see the fulfillment of this vision and know the end of this matter.

Our ultimate goal is the winning of souls and preparing the body of Christ for when He comes for His glorious Church without spot, wrinkle, or any such thing.

The Vision is written. It is made plain upon these tables. Read it and run!